Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can a blog spread virus ?

I came from those days where a text file will NEVER spread virus.
Most probably, a text file viewer will also NOT trigger any virus.
If I do NOT click or respond anything while viewing a file, I am quite sure I will NOT be infected by virus.

A blog is just a special type of web pages. A web page is basically just a text file on a server. You are viewing the content of the 'file' now using something like a text viewer called internet browser.

Unfortunately those simple days are long gone. Because internet browsers are also your file browser. Most often than not, the browser is the No.1 key element in your computer. Usually the First and Most important thing how your computer and you communicate. Without a browser, you literary can't use your computer. So your browser allows you to do almost Everything that can be done on the computer.

When you are just browsing a blog, you may be just reading of viewing some stuff. But your browser has done tons of other stuff you may never realize or will ever find out. So yes, virus could be spread in a blog even if you are just viewing it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SEX - a computing word


/seks/ [Sun Users' Group & elsewhere] 1. Software EXchange. A technique invented by the blue-green algae hundreds of millions of years ago to speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow up until then. Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and others (of course, these are no longer limited to exchanges of genetic software). In general, SEX parties are a Good Thing, but unprotected SEX can propagate a virus. See also pubic directory.

2. The mnemonic often used for Sign EXtend, a machine instruction found in the PDP-11 and many other architectures. The RCA 1802 chip used in the early Elf and SuperElf personal computers had a "SEt X register" SEX instruction, but this seems to have had little folkloric impact.

DEC's engineers nearly got a PDP-11 assembler that used the "SEX" mnemonic out the door at one time, but (for once) marketing wasn't asleep and forced a change. That wasn't the last time this happened, either. The author of "The Intel 8086 Primer", who was one of the original designers of the Intel 8086, noted that there was originally a "SEX" instruction on that processor, too. He says that Intel management got cold feet and decreed that it be changed, and thus the instruction was renamed "CBW" and "CWD" (depending on what was being extended). The Intel 8048 (the microcontroller used in IBM PC keyboards) is also missing straight "SEX" but has logical-or and logical-and instructions "ORL" and "ANL".

The Motorola 6809, used in the UK's "Dragon 32" personal computer, actually had an official "SEX" instruction; the 6502 in the Apple II with which it competed did not. British hackers thought this made perfect mythic sense; after all, it was commonly observed, you could (on some theoretical level) have sex with a dragon, but you can't have sex with an apple.

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