Saturday, May 1, 2010

Remote control your own PC for FREE

If you are one of those who love VNC, a software that allows you to remotely assess your PC easily, then you will love TeamViewer even more.

The biggest problem for VNC is security. Basically you install the full suite VNC on a PC ( with server and client ) then you can assess to this PC anytime anywhere with a PASSWORD. But if you have heard a little bit about black hat hacking society, hacking your PASSWORD is as easy as running a password cracking software. So if once someone is on to you, you can bet that he can easily google around and get into your PC with less than USD 10.

The 2nd problem with VNC is screen resolution. If the server resolution is HIGHER than the PC you are assessing from, then you are controlling a screen that is larger than your physical screen. So you have to scroll here and there to get things done.

Apparently, TeamViewer has done a great market research on all the other competitors. They have incorporate a tons of features that make sense. Hence it doesn't have any problems mentioned above.

There is a whitelist and blacklist function. You can simply ALLOW one of your other PC to remotely assess your server. That way, there is almost impossible for any other people to get on your server. TeamViewer will also automatically change the screen resolution to match your client PC. You will never need to worry different resolution because you can always control your server easily from a window that is smaller than you current screen.

Just go ahead and try TeamViewer if you need to remotely assess your PC.

As of now, all personal usage is FREE! But any commercial use is chargeable. I really look up to this software provider and I wouldn't be surprise if they start charging even for personal use. So download it fast before its too late ....

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