Lets examine how to choose one among all these ....
First lets categorize them
- unlimited usage : if you will surely use more than 10-20GB a month
- typical business use : on the run, 10-20GB a month is enough for email etc.
- cheapest : student, no money, just want to browse net sometimes
- fastest : speed is everything, price and bandwidth are not problems
Unlimited Usage
Basically you are getting unlimited usage. You probably setup a machine running 24 x 7. So speed doesn't really matter. So lets just choose the cheapest among unlimited usage packages - so called value for money.
Digi $66 PRO: cheapest mobile, no string attached CON: GPRS, slow.
Amax $68 PRO: WiMax 1Mbps, 24 months contract FREE modem CON: Activate $100
Streamyx $66 PRO: no String attached CON: need a telekom line first
iZZi $66 PRO: 6 months contract CON: Activate $82.
Jaring $69 PRO: low users CON: Startup fee $160
Typical Business Use
You are on the run, you need ready access ... so you should choose one package that has the lowest $ per GB. This part is quite straight forward. There are only 2 competent service providers; P1 and Digi. The distinction is also clear; if you use notebook, goes for P1. If you use hand phone, goes for Digi.
P1 $99 PRO: WiMax 1.2Mbps, $4.95/GB CON: cap at 20GB, Activation fee but now FREE
Digi $168 PRO: 2Mbps, no string attached ? CON: cap at 20Gb
other P1 and Digi packages are also OK. Some cap at higher bandwidth, some have cap payment ...
You have no extra money so you would opt for whatever cost lowest for now. If you already have a phone line, use Streamyx. Else try Celcom.
Streamyx $20 PRO: no String attached, 256Kbps CON: Need telecom line, 10 hours usage only
Celcom $38 PRO: no String attached,128Kbps CON: 500 MB usage only
Streamyx $44 PRO: no String attached, 512Kbps CON: GPRS, slow.
Almost all are nonsense packages .....
P1 $149 PRO: 10Mbps CON: Cap at 10GB
Time $528 PRO: 6Mbps CON: Half a thousand RINGGIT !?!?
What do you think ? What are your favorites ?