Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can a blog spread virus ?

I came from those days where a text file will NEVER spread virus.
Most probably, a text file viewer will also NOT trigger any virus.
If I do NOT click or respond anything while viewing a file, I am quite sure I will NOT be infected by virus.

A blog is just a special type of web pages. A web page is basically just a text file on a server. You are viewing the content of the 'file' now using something like a text viewer called internet browser.

Unfortunately those simple days are long gone. Because internet browsers are also your file browser. Most often than not, the browser is the No.1 key element in your computer. Usually the First and Most important thing how your computer and you communicate. Without a browser, you literary can't use your computer. So your browser allows you to do almost Everything that can be done on the computer.

When you are just browsing a blog, you may be just reading of viewing some stuff. But your browser has done tons of other stuff you may never realize or will ever find out. So yes, virus could be spread in a blog even if you are just viewing it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SEX - a computing word


/seks/ [Sun Users' Group & elsewhere] 1. Software EXchange. A technique invented by the blue-green algae hundreds of millions of years ago to speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow up until then. Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and others (of course, these are no longer limited to exchanges of genetic software). In general, SEX parties are a Good Thing, but unprotected SEX can propagate a virus. See also pubic directory.

2. The mnemonic often used for Sign EXtend, a machine instruction found in the PDP-11 and many other architectures. The RCA 1802 chip used in the early Elf and SuperElf personal computers had a "SEt X register" SEX instruction, but this seems to have had little folkloric impact.

DEC's engineers nearly got a PDP-11 assembler that used the "SEX" mnemonic out the door at one time, but (for once) marketing wasn't asleep and forced a change. That wasn't the last time this happened, either. The author of "The Intel 8086 Primer", who was one of the original designers of the Intel 8086, noted that there was originally a "SEX" instruction on that processor, too. He says that Intel management got cold feet and decreed that it be changed, and thus the instruction was renamed "CBW" and "CWD" (depending on what was being extended). The Intel 8048 (the microcontroller used in IBM PC keyboards) is also missing straight "SEX" but has logical-or and logical-and instructions "ORL" and "ANL".

The Motorola 6809, used in the UK's "Dragon 32" personal computer, actually had an official "SEX" instruction; the 6502 in the Apple II with which it competed did not. British hackers thought this made perfect mythic sense; after all, it was commonly observed, you could (on some theoretical level) have sex with a dragon, but you can't have sex with an apple.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I earn money by using P1 Wimax ?

Although the connectivity is NOT GOOD but after one month of P1 Wimax usage, I have EARNED $28.74 !!

Someone actually PAID me to use their internet services !!

NOT !! This is called "Bait and Hook" marketing strategy. The contract is 24 months. If a user complain in early stage, it has a big effect to the supplier market and user also has higher chance to win in law suit or consumer tribal. The longer time it drags the less weight the user complain will become. So service provider "Bait" you up by offering one month FREE when the service is BAD and then still ended up "Hooking" or collecting the rest of the 23 months fee from you. It is Unlikely the service will be significantly improved when this strategy is used by your service provider.

P1 Wimax PingTest result ... F as in Fail ...

Friday, November 6, 2009

PingTest vs SpeedTest

Thank god, finally someone cares more about quality and that is NOT just speed. As internet content becomes more lively ... not just flash and animation ... the key turning point is actually XHR, enable simple HTML web page to update partial of its content, giving a sense of Fast Response and It's Alive! effect.

Internet connectivity is no longer about just speed. Fast is nice but a fast connection that drops frequently is absolutely useless - like most of the 3G and WiMax connection now.

Simply because of a single introduction of XMLHttpRequest ,

traditional connection like GPRS or even dial up becomes useful again where once connected reliability is assured ( relatively ).

In order to test your interenet line quality, try Below is a sample result of Streamyx 512kbps line

And this one is P1 Wimax 1Mbps line

Thursday, November 5, 2009

snake oil IT businesses


Infoworld reported TOP 6 IT businesses that they classified as Snake Oil ... I spotted 3 of them out loud (3-5), did not agree with 2 of them (1,6) and had some reservation on #2
  1. AI - is FAKE intelligence really smart or just plain stupid ?
  2. CASE - I am a supporter on this but Program for the Program ? I have to admit, not everyone gets it!
  3. Thin Client - when a thick client is cheap, its a THIN client, period !
  4. ERP - All in ONE ! All in ONE ! But what is ALL ?
  5. B2B - One of the most stupid Internet terms of all time and yet still being bought by many investors.
  6. Social Webs - Let's have a serious meeting over a not-so-serious coffee table
Artificial Intelligence may be vague by itself but through the journey, we can
  • know more about ourselves, how we think, why we act etc.
  • eventually come up with something that is more 'natural' than today's machines
so even if AI will never be achieved, its OK. We will get somewhere. We will still CREATE somethings even if we are NOT god.

Social web by itself is NOT an engineering break through, its NOT a business so they say, because it has NOT business ground ! But then again, the whole entertainment industry started out as FREE shows, some social events etc. Until idols came out and money started flowing big time in entertainment industry. Idols are already coming out in social web ... money already started flowing ... so what if we can't get something serious out of social web, we can just earn good money out of non seriousness.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1Mbps P1 Wimax vs 512kbps Streamyx

In short, P1 Wimax is absolutely hands down pathetic. Most bit torrent downloads can't be use or need tedious and technical settings. Even simple stuff like downloading emails from TMNet POP3 servers is a problem. Their online knowledge database is practically nil.

Connection performance drops to ZERO 5-6 times an hour despite showing strong signal and strong connections.

This may not be exactly a lab test ie. apple to apple comparison but nevertheless a real life test scenarios.

2 machines are connected to 2 different broadband networks.

One is a notebook Centrino Duo running XP, 1.5GB RAM connected to 1Mbps P1 Wimax
Another is a desktop Athlon 64x2 Windows 7, 2GB RAM connected to 512kbps Streamyx

Streamyx connection
test on Streamyx server
Streamyx connection
test on P1 server

P1 connection
test on Streamyx server
P1 connection
test on P1 server

The video is set to play back rate 4x, actual total length is 6 minutes.

Again this proves that the technology behind is practically irrelevant; Business management, the balance between system performance and marketing effort is so much more important to end users ...

Below shows another angle of the connection line quality ... basically A is best and range down to Z.


P1 Wimax


I haven't cut my Digi GPRS yet ....

Friday, October 23, 2009

Most comprehensive study in Malaysia Broadband service providers

There are literary unlimited choices of broadband services are available in Malaysia now ... yet almost not a single one is satisfactory.

Lets examine how to choose one among all these ....

First lets categorize them
  • unlimited usage : if you will surely use more than 10-20GB a month
  • typical business use : on the run, 10-20GB a month is enough for email etc.
  • cheapest : student, no money, just want to browse net sometimes
  • fastest : speed is everything, price and bandwidth are not problems
Unlimited Usage

Basically you are getting unlimited usage. You probably setup a machine running 24 x 7. So speed doesn't really matter. So lets just choose the cheapest among unlimited usage packages - so called value for money.

Digi $66 PRO: cheapest mobile, no string attached CON: GPRS, slow.
Amax $68 PRO: WiMax 1Mbps, 24 months contract FREE modem CON: Activate $100
Streamyx $66 PRO: no String attached CON: need a telekom line first
iZZi $66 PRO: 6 months contract CON: Activate $82.
Jaring $69 PRO: low users CON: Startup fee $160

Typical Business Use

You are on the run, you need ready access ... so you should choose one package that has the lowest $ per GB. This part is quite straight forward. There are only 2 competent service providers; P1 and Digi. The distinction is also clear; if you use notebook, goes for P1. If you use hand phone, goes for Digi.

P1 $99 PRO: WiMax 1.2Mbps, $4.95/GB CON: cap at 20GB, Activation fee but now FREE
Digi $168 PRO: 2Mbps, no string attached ? CON: cap at 20Gb

other P1 and Digi packages are also OK. Some cap at higher bandwidth, some have cap payment ...


You have no extra money so you would opt for whatever cost lowest for now. If you already have a phone line, use Streamyx. Else try Celcom.

Streamyx $20 PRO: no String attached, 256Kbps CON: Need telecom line, 10 hours usage only
Celcom $38 PRO: no String attached,128Kbps CON: 500 MB usage only
Streamyx $44 PRO: no String attached, 512Kbps CON: GPRS, slow.


Almost all are nonsense packages .....

P1 $149 PRO: 10Mbps CON: Cap at 10GB
Time $528 PRO: 6Mbps CON: Half a thousand RINGGIT !?!?

What do you think ? What are your favorites ?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Online Voice Modeling

It is NOT exactly a new thing to put voice on a web site but this particular service provider has made it, I think. I talked about voice on web before and that was about how bad it was. Today, LiveFaceOnWeb has totally changed my opinion.

Instead of selling the online voice 'technology', they are marketing their models. As in fashion model, speak person modeling etc, this is online voice models. Although the system is almost the same but the whole point of view is different. The spoke person looks like a real person, good looking, carry certain weight in representing certain market segments etc.

Having said that, they did do a good job too on the technological side too. As far as their internal work force is concerned, this whole phenomena is enabled by their technological break through. Basically they are able to fix the body image while keeping only a small portion on movement ( the speaking mouth and head ), so that bandwidth is greatly reduced while keeping the reality of a whole body.

Charging a few hundreds to thousands for online voice may sound rediculous, espeically when it is FREE somewhere else. But paying the same amount of money for models is so much CHEAPER than real life ones.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Garnet OS Developement

All the Palm OS are now called Garnet OS after a re-branding exercise. Not quite sure if Palm has been sold and re-sell how many times. But basically if you have a Pilot, Palm Pilot, Vx or even a Treo and you are hoping to develope NEW solution for your devices, the best is you look for Garnet OS platform ... Palm has since then moved on to Windows Mobile OS and created a WebOS, which are both neither nor a truly organizer OS like Palm OS.

Sign up ADN, all the resources are there supposingly, I am still exploring it now ...

These are the steps

1. Get Eclipse ( should have JRE - Java Runtime in it already )
2. From Eclipse, get CDT or C/C++ development tool kit ( Its important you do it from the Eclipse you installed, different Eclipse version will require difference CDT version, they are not cross-usable )
3. Get Emulator
4. Get Simulator
5. Get SDK then these updates

Download Garnet OS Dev Suite about 180MB ( should have everything above in it )

If you have cygwin installed, uninstall it before installing Garnet OS Dev Suite because it comes with its own cygwin.

6. Get Reporter for tracing and debugging
7. Get NetFront if you want to build web application
8. Get Desktop SDK if you want to build something with the deskstop application too
9. Get Conduit for Hot Sync solution, remember to update latest file

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Developing solutions for old Palm OS

Palm OS is basically a dead OS but I was a huge fan and still have some units left with me. Its too nostalgia to sell them off at $1 so perhaps by now the development resources are easily obtainable and FREE ? Ooo... how wrong was I ...

You may need

CASL main installaer ( USD 299 each )

download all 4 below here
GCC ( cygnus B20 )
SDK ( now grouped into access dev net )

Software Development for the Palm OS

Jan Schaumann <>

[] [netmeister's PalmStuff]

A brief overview of Software Development for the Palm OS, Webclipping, Conduits, compiled from various websites.

Note: This document was written in 2000 and has not been updated since then. I simply don't have the time to keep it up to date. If you wish to maintain the document, please let me know and I'll add a link to your website from here. Other questions and problems regarding this document I will most likely no longer be able to answer -- not out of malice, but actually sheer ignorance; I have not kept up to date on the Palm topic.

Table of contents

1. Why Programming for the Palm OS is different
1.1 Screen Size
1.2 Quick Turnaround Expected
1.3 PC Connectivity
1.4 Input Methods
1.5 Power
1.6 Memory
1.7 File System
1.8 backward compatibility
2. Palm OS Programming Concepts
2.1 PilotMain
2.2 Event Loop
2.3 User Interface
2.4 Memory
2.5 Function calls
3. Tools
3.1 Coding Tools
3.2 Emulators
3.2.1 Obtaining ROM Image Files
3.2.2 The Palm OS Emulator
3.2.3 Other Palm OS Emulators
3.3 Conduit Development Kits (CDKs)
3.4 Web Clipping Development (WCA)
3.4.1 Two components to WCA
3.4.2 WCA Builder Tools
3.4.3 A WCA Example
3.4.4 Palm Query Applications (PQA)
3.4.5 A PQA Example
4. Hardware using the Palm OS
5. Wishlist
6. Main Resources

1. Why Programming for the Palm OS is different

Developing applications for the Palm OS is a bit different than developing applications for desktop computers such as the PC or a Mac. First off, the Palm computing platform is designed differntly than a desktop computer. Also, users simply interact with the device differently than they do desktop computers.

1.1 Screen Size

The Palm OS device's screen is only 160x160 pixels, so the amount of information you can display at one time is limited. For this reason, the user interface must be designed carefully with different priorities and goals than are used for large screens. Note that screen sizes of future Palm OS devices may vary.

1.2 Quick Turnaround Expected

On a PC, users don't mind waiting a few seconds while an application loads because they plan to use the application for an extended amount of time. By contrast, the average Palm user uses a Palm application 15 to 20 times per day for much briefer periods of time, usually just a few seconds. Speed is therefore a critical design objective for hand-held organizers and is not limited to execution speed of the code. The total time needed to navigate, select, and execute commands can have a big impact on overall efficiency. (Also consider that the Palm OS does not provide a wait cursor.)

To maximize performance, the user interface should minimize navigation between windows, opening of dialog boxes, and so on. The layout of application screens needs to be simple so that the user can pick up the product and use it effectively after a short time. It's especially helpful if the user interface of your application is consistent with other applications on the device so users work with familiar patterns.

1.3 PC Connectivity

PC connectivity is an integral component of the Palm Computing platform device. The device comes with a cradle that connects to a desktop PC and with software for the PC that provides "one-button" backup and synchronization of all data on the device with the user's PC.

Many Palm OS applications have a corresponding application on the desktop. To share data between the device's application and the desktop's application, you must write a conduit. A conduit is a plug-in to the HotSync® technology that runs when you press the HotSync button. A conduit synchronizes data between the application on the desktop and the application on the hand-held device. To write a conduit, you use the Conduit SDK, which provides its own documentation.

1.4 Input Methods

Handheld users don't have a keyboard or mouse. Users enter data into the device using a pen. They can either write Graffiti® strokes or use the keyboard dialog provided on the device.

While Graffiti strokes and the keyboard dialog are not as convenient as using the full-sized desktop computer with its keyboard and mouse. Therefore, you should not require users to enter a lot of data on the device itself.

1.5 Power

The Palm Computing platform device runs on batteries and thus does not have the same processing power as a desktop PC. You should keep this i mind when developing applications for the Palm OS and avoid using heavy calculation.

1.6 Memory

The Palm OS device has limited heap space and storage space. Different versions of the device have between 512K and 8MB total of dynamic memory and storage available. The device does not have a disk drive or PCMCIA support. Because of the limited space and power, optimization is critical. To make your application as fast and efficient as possible, optimize for heap space first, speed second, code size third.

1.7 File System

Because of the limited storage space, and to make synchronization with the desktop computer more efficient, Palm OS does not use a traditional file system. You store data in memory chunks called records, which are grouped into databases. A database is analogous to a file. The difference is that data is broken down into multiple records instead of being stored in one contiguous chunk. To save space, you edit a database in place in memory instead of creating it in RAM and then writing it out to storage.

1. 8 Backward Compatibility

Different versions of the Palm Computing platform device are available, and each runs a different version of the Palm OS. Users are not expected to upgrade their versions of the Palm OS as rapidly as they would an operating system on a desktop computer. Updates to the OS are designed in such a way that you can easily maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of the OS, and thus, your application is available to more users.

2 Palm OS Programming Concepts

Palm OS applications are generally single-threaded, event-driven programs. Only one program runs at a time. To successfully build a Palm OS application, you have to understand how the system itself is structured and how to structure your application.

2.1 PilotMain

Each application has a PilotMain function that is equivalent to main in C programs. To launch an application, the system calls PilotMain and sends it a launch code. The launch code may specify that the application is to become active and display its user interface (called a normal launch), or it may specify that the application should simply perform a small task and exit without displaying its user interface. The sole purpose of the PilotMain function is to receive launch codes and respond to them.

2.2 Event Loop

Palm OS is an event-based operating system, so Palm OS applications contain an event loop; however, this event loop is only started in response to the normal launch. Your application may perform work outside the event loop in response to other launch codes.

2.3 User Interface

Most Palm OS applications contain a user interface made up of forms, which are analogous to windows in a desktop application. The user interface may contain both predefined UI elements (sometimes referred to as UI objects), and custom UI elements.

2.4 Memory

All applications should use the memory and data management facilities provided by the system.

2.5 Function calls

You implement an application's features by calling Palm OS functions. Palm OS consists of several managers, which are groups of functions that work together to implement a feature. As a rule, all functions that belong to one manager use the same prefix and work together to implement a certain aspect of functionality.

3. Tools

3.1 Coding Tools

Development (commercial) tools for the Windows platform are:

  • CASL (Compact Application Solution Language): Compact Application Solution Language Tools from Feras Information Technologies is a Windows-based integrated development environment for creating high-level interpreted applications integrated with conduits to Windows desktop applications. Includes a development environment, a conduit, and sample code.
  • Satellite Forms: Satellite Forms from Puma Technology is a visual, rapid development environment for applications and conduits. Design applications via drag-and-drop. Develop event-driven scripts in a language similar to Visual Basic using custom controls, plug-ins, and Satellite Forms APIs.
  • Pendragon Forms: Pendragon Forms from Pendragon Software is a fast and simple way to create data collection applications and conduits.
Since Applications for the Palm OS are written in C/C++, you write the code in any environment and then compile it. You do need the Palm OS SDK, which includes the headers, libraries, and tools for Palm Computing platform development on Windows, Mac OS, or Unix/Linux platforms. In order to compile the sourcecode, you need a couple of tools, which are (for Unix/Linux and Windows at least) freely available.

3.2 Emulators

The Palm OS® Emulator is software that emulates the hardware of the various models of Palm OS® platform devices. It is extremely valuable for writing, testing and debugging applications. Create "virtual" handhelds by running the Emulator on Windows, Mac OS, or Unix/Linux computers.

Emulated devices can be loaded with new ROMs, so you can test your application with virtual devices, including different devices than you own, foreign language ROMs, and debug-enabled ROMs for extra error checking and debugging features.

The Emulator software does not include ROM images. It is like a computer without an operating system. There are two sources of ROM images: ROM images file or upload a ROM from an actual device. As a developer, there are advantages to using ROM image files because you can use "debug-enabled" ROMs that contain extra debugging code not found in shipping hardware ROMs.

3.2.1 Obtaining ROM Image Files

For legal reasons, you must sign an agreement with Palm Inc. to download ROM images. To obtain the Prototype License and Confidentiality Agreement, you must be a member of the Palm[tm] Solution Provider Program. After joining the Solution Provider Program, we recommend that you join the Developer Seeding Program, which requires that you return a signed agreement to us. This allows you to access ROM images and other valuable prerelease information. If you are based in the USA, you may also obtain images using a "clickwrap" agreement that does not require a signed agreement.

You can also download a ROM using the Emulator from a handheld device that has been placed into the cradle connected to your desktop computer.

3.2.2 The Palm OS Emulator

The Palm OS Emulator (or POSE, former "copilot") displays an on-screen image that looks exactly like a Palm connected Organzier. You can select which kind of Palm handheld device you want to emulate, and you can also specify that you want POSE to display the screen in double size, which continues to provide an accurate presentation and makes the Palm screen easier to view.

You can use your mouse on your desktop computer just as you use a stylus on a Palm Device. You can even use the Graffiti Power Writing Software with POSE and your mouse. You can use POSE to perform some debugging of your applications and you can use the Emulator with Palm Debugger to debug in exactly the same manner as with your application running in the actual hardware handheld device.

3.2.3 Other Palm OS Emulators

The Palm OS® Emulator was based on "Copilot", written by several different developers, and is available on the following platforms:

3.3 Conduit Development Kits (CDKs)

Conduit Development Kits (CDKs) are tools to develop conduits. Conduits are software plug-ins for the HotSync® Manager application. They exchange and synchronize data between a desktop computer and a Palm OS® platform handheld computer.

Most conduits synchronize data such that data on the handheld mirrors the data on desktop. Conduits also transfer, import/export data, or cause Palm OS® applications to be installed. Generic conduits are Palm Inc.'s future direction for conduits. The idea is to provide an API for conduit development to be compiled for Windows and/or Mac OS. The details for making it work on each platform will be hidden within the API.

The CDKs are available for the following platforms:

  • Conduit Development Kit - Windows C/C++ Edition (uses Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0)
  • Conduit Development Kit - Windows Java Edition (for developing Palm OS Applications in Java - uses Symantec Visual Café Pro for Java)
  • Conduit Development Kit - Mac OS Edition (uses Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro for Mac OS)
All these CDK's are available to download for free from

3.4 Web Clipping Development (WCA)

The web clipping architecture includes client-side applications that run on a Palm OS® device, proxy servers for handling translation between the web clipping application format and HTML, and content servers. The client-side application is called a web clipping application. It is constructed in HTML and translated into the web clipping application format. Once this applcation is installed on a Palm OS® platform device, content is delivered from the content provider's own web site as a subset of the HTML 3.2 standard.

If you do not have access to hardware that supports web clipping, you can use software to emulate the hardware with the POSE. When emulating a web clipping enabled device, you use your desktop computer network to emulate wireless access free of charge. Web clipping applications use a special proxy to get web pages and do not connect directly to web sites.

Web clipping applications are written in a subset of the HTML 3.2 specification. Many of the usual tags for things like tables, forms, checkboxes, radio buttons, select lists, and font sizes are supported. However, in order to work well even though constrained by the limited bandwidth available on the wireless connection, web clipping applications do not support more resource intensive features such as JavaScript, nested tables, frames, cookies, or Java.

Web clipping applications are designed to be small and to give users the information they need with minimum effort and maximum speed. Likewise, results coming from your server to a handheld device are designed to be small and to the point. Remember, this is not web browsing, but web clipping. Web clipping appplications should be written to provide users with only the information that they need without any extraneous items. Try to limit the size of your result pages to about 400 bytes.

3.4.1 Two components to WCA

There are two main components to writing successful web clipping applications: the web clipping application that you install on the device, and the backend server that returns results pages to the device.

  • Web clipping application - This is an application that you build using HTML, which is installed by the end user onto their handheld organizer. A web clipping application is like a mini-web site that is stored locally, so access to it is instant and free. The index page of the web clipping application usually contains either a form or a list of links, which are the gateways to the live data provided by your server. Static information, such as graphics, help, and "about" pages should also be placed within a web clipping application.
  • Results pages (clippings) - These pages are returned by your backend server after they receive a request from your web clipping application. They are written in HTML and will often link to images and HTML documents that are stored in the web clipping applicaiton so that this static information doesn't need to be transmitted over the air.

3.4.2 WCA Builder Tools

The WCA Builder Tools needed to build WCA'a (ie translate the HTML-like code into "Palmspeak") are available to download for free from

3.4.3 A WCA Example

The Code:

Used Mac Prices

Search for the most up-to-date prices on Macintosh computers:

About Us


We see that WCA's consist almost entirely of (very simple) HTML. The only thing that differs from pure HTML is the meta-tag } . Images, if used, are stored locally on the device, since it is not recommended to transfer images over the wireless connection (bandwidth!) - the WCA Builder will enter them into the appropriate database on the device.

After passing this code through the WCA Builder, the application would look something like this:

3.4.4 Palm Query Applications (PQA)

Web clipping applications are Palm record databases that are read by the Web Clipping application (Web Clipper) on the Palm VII[tm] handheld (or other device that supports web clippings). Pages and images are stored as separate records in the database, and the number of records listed in the Records view of the Applications Launcher Info screen correspond to the total number of pages and images that comprise the web clipping application.

With a couple of functioncalls you can enhance your WCA's easily with your C++-Programs, and vice versa (ie enhance your C++-Application with WCA's). You can:

  • create "pseudo-cgi's" on your Palm Device (e.g. parsing input from a URL)
  • process data from web clipping pages (e.g. graphing, updating databases etc.)
  • store data on the handheld for WCA's (e.g. preferences)

3.4.5 A PQA Example

The Code:

Special Function Palm Tester

Memo Pad

After passing this code through the PQA Builder, the application would look something like this:

Please note that the above screenshots are all from the Palm OS Emulator (POSE)!

4. Hardware using the Palm OS

There are several types of hardware projects for the Palm OS® Platform:

5. Wishlist

To guarantee maximum efficiency every person involved in the actual coding process should be able to work in an environment (s)he is most comfortable with. While some people may preferr coding, compiling and debugging "by hand", others may preferr a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The most widely used tool in Palm OS Software Development is the CodeWarrior Interactive Development Environment (IDE) from 3Com Corporation. Documentation for the CodeWarrior IDE is provided with CodeWarrior. Code Warrior is available for Windows, Macintosh, Solaris, Linux and Java. CodeWarrior is proprietairy software, currently priced approx. $90.

Even though almost all information and documentation one might need to develop applications for the Palm OS is available on the internet, many people preferr having a decent book (yes, paper!) as desktop reference handy. The one book most suitable for this purpose seems to be O'Reillys "Palm Programming: The Developers Guide" (

Needless to say that everybody involved should have a PalmPilot or other Palm OS based handheld device to familiarize themselves with the environment we develop for.

6. Main Resources

Mythical Thin Client solution

Thin client solution was promising cost saving and maximizing computer resources. Basically you buy ONE powerful PC and then a whole lots of thin client 'boxes' which allows you to run as-if 10 PCs with 10-30% cost saving initially. One of such company is called Sunde

The saving is not really that big so the thin client company would mention the cost saving is significant when you upgrade. For example, the next time you upgrade, you just need to upgrade the ONE powerful PC and all 10 PCs will become as powerful, so they speak.

Within less than a couple of years, windows XP moves on to Vista and now Windows 7. Guess what, all Sunde old devices CAN NOT support Vista and Windows 7, NOR will they do anything to make their old devices running. The best advice they can give is for all their users to keep using the un-supported XP. They don't even dare to promote their latest devices because it doesn't support Windows 7 and they DON'T KNOW when they will be able to do so. It is most probably another abandon old products totally and create a new product just for Windows 7.

If you go ahead to upgrade the powerful PC, you will need to buy 10 new Thin Client Boxes. Else you mean be left only one working PC. So you may ended up buying a NEW PC and NOT upgrading the old ones. That way, your thin clients are NOT sharing resources for the biggest investment you have just put in. In many ways, such a small one time cost saving comes with a small performance degrade and a huge long term damage.

Not to mention stricthen internal network security may also cause your 10 thin clients to totally stop working or sometimes degrade terribly.

Most of the thin clients sellers 1 year ago are all un-contactable today.

Thin Client .... NOT the way to go in future. Microsoft has stated very clearly that such a resource sharing is violating their license rights.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

ROM upgrades for Dopod P800W and/or HTC P3300

Friday, August 28, 2009

Delete Facebook for good ...

You cann't delete facebook completely from the user interface. The best you can do is to de-activate your account so that it cannot be found. Having done that, you have the option to re-activate it back anytime you want in future.

if you want to remove your account for good, you will need to click the following link ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Choose which windows 7 to install

If you delete the file


in your Windows 7 installation DVD then you will be able to choose which package during installation ...

extending Windows 7 Trial periods

If you are using Windows 7 trials and find that you quite like it in contrast to your previous windows experiences :) you can extend the FREE 30 days trial period.

First, right click on My Computer, choose Properties and see when your trial period will end. use Windows-E key to bring up the browser to find My Computer if it is not already on your Desktop.

1 day before the trial period ends, simply run this command to extend the trial for another 30 days.

slmgr -rearm

and then restart your system. Check the property window again, the trial period should be reset to 30 days.

You can reset the trial periods for up to 3 times.

Do leave comment if this doesn't work for you ...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Simple to use windows ISO burner

simply right click on the ISO file and burn it, available for XP, Vista and Win7, 32 and 64 bits.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Windows 7 - improved user experience ?

Windows 7 will be available on October 22, 2009 so Microsoft says.

My most excited experience with Microsoft is most probably windows 3.11, as in moving from DOS. Any single graphic was an amusement because it would have taken me days and months to develope a similar element using BASIC.
Likewise, configuring windows manager in AIX wasn't exactly intuitive neither. But we had NeXT so who cared about Apple anyway?
Since then, it has been just a series of monopoly and consumer ignorant abusive game. I could forgive a high school teenager fail to build a good software moving from 32 to 64 bits. But a 35 years old, largest company in the world couldn't even build a under layer driver management tool to support ALL 32bits driver in a 64bit OS, is totally outrages.

Anyway, Windows 7 is most probably an obvious non technical improvement - yea, right! Sound as if previous OSes were. Bur rather Windows 7 focuses on user experience.

So you will most likely be able to install Win7 within a shorter time, application 1st screen appears much faster, more responsive typing and mouse movement etc.

If you have read carefully, I didn't say it will install 'faster' nor will the application actually runs faster.
Yesterday a company called "MiniSoftener" pours a whole lots of shits in front of my office, rang the entrance bell and asked, "Sir, do you need cleaning sir ? Its just $999." Then they cleaned the mess. When my office girl passed over the payment, the girl said, "Thank you!"
So if someone screw you up at the first place by leaving mess in the software you have just bought. Will you pay again for them to clean up the mess ?

Well, you HAVE TO if you want to continue your business ...

You will feel much better NOT knowing why the mess was there at the first place ...

Friday, July 31, 2009

behind Microsoft, there is an Apple

Look carefully what notebook they use while explaining how useful Microsoft is ...

Do you know that there is NO washroom in Microsoft ?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jrox - Affiliate Program

Jrox is one of the good affiliate programs, too bad its not free.

Friday, July 17, 2009

FREE webstore systems

OS Commerce

Overall quite easy to setup.

Cube Cart

Cons : Although price can be shown in any currency, but during setup or adding products, the price entered must be in USD. Then the system will use the conversion to display the desired currency. So for non USD based businesses, you will have to convert your pricing to USD and then let the system convert the price back. Therefore you may always get a price that has rounding values ie. $23.43 instead of just $23.40

Can setup your main currency as 1.00 in currency setting.

Cannot use my own payment gateway, ie. setup a link for payment.

Zen Cart

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Twitter tools

MyCleenr shows you the people you are following but has no updates ...

FriendofFollow analyse the people you follow and those who follow you and give you report on
1. ppl u follow but they don't follow u => following
2. ppl follow u but you didn't follow them => fan
3. follow each other => friends

Friday, July 10, 2009

FREE web host and a lot of great links

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